The Myths of Police Recruiting

There is nothing more alarming today than the potential for the continued staffing shortage in law enforcement agencies. I haven’t been in a room with law enforcement administrators in the last two years where I wasn’t asked what must be done to increase police recruiting. My answers are not always popular, but it is time that […]

A New Recruiting Strategy That Works

The problem with law enforcement recruiting has been well documented in recent years and it’s been easy to blame the rhetoric and the politics of “defund” the police. We first heard about a new way of recruiting after reading “The Courageous Police Leader” last year and after speaking to the author at length, we set […]

Police Recruiting Ideas From The Military

Author and Trainer Travis Yates wrote about the inherent problems with law enforcement recruiting in his best selling book, “The Courageous Police Leader.” He was recently quoted in an article we ran on a revolutionary methodology of recruiting from a law enforcement operated company, SAFEGUARD Recruiting and we asked him to expand on his thoughts on this important subject. This is the second article in a series of articles on Police Recruiting. This originally appeared at

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